4 min. reading time

As Eclipse is established as a tooling platform in automotive industry, the EclipseCon Europe conference in Ludwigsburg is an invaluable source of information. This year’s EclipseCon is full of interesting talks. Here is a selection from my “automotive tooling / methodology” perspective.

  • The Car – Just Another Thing in the Internet of Things? – 

    Michael Würtenberger is the head of BMW CarIT. In addition to the interesting talk, BMW CarIT was also one of the strong drivers of the Eclipse / EMF based AUTOSAR tooling platform “Artop” and it is very interesting to learn about their topics.

  • openETCS – Eclipse in the Rail Domain, 

    Rover Use Case, Specification, design and implementation using Polarsys Tools

    Scenarios@run.time – Modeling, Analyzing, and Executing Specifications of Distributed System

    The multiple facets of the PBS (Product Breakdown Structure)

    openMDM5: From a fat client to a scalable, omni-channel architecture

    Enhanced Project Management for Embedded C/C++ Programming using Software Components

    All industries are also looking into what the “other” industry is doing to learn about strength and weaknesses.

  • Brace Yourself! With Long Term Support: Long-Term-Support is an important issue when choosing a technology as strategic platform. This talk should provide information to use in discussions when arguing for/against Eclipse and Open Source.

  • The Eclipse Way: Learn and understand how Eclipse manages to develop such a strong ecosystem

  • My experience as an Eclipse contributor:
    As more and more companies from the automotive domain actively participate in Open Source, you will learn on what that means from a contributor’s view.

On the technical side, a lot of talks are of interest for automotive tooling, including:

  • Ecore Editor- Reloaded

    CDO’s New ClothesGEF4 – Sightseeing Mars

    All Sirius Talks
    All Xtext Talks
    Modeling Symposium
    Customizable Automatic Layout for Complex Diagrams Is Coming to Eclipse

    Since EMF is a major factor in Eclipse in automotive, these talks provide interesting information on modeling automotive data.

  • EMF Compare + EGit = Seamless Collaborative Modeling

    News from Git in Eclipse

    Tailor-made model comparison: how to customize EMF Compare for your modeling language

    Storing models in files has many advantages over storing them in a database. These technologies help in setting up a model management infrastructure that satisfies a lot of requirements.

  • 40 features/400 plugins: Operating a build pipeline with high-frequently updating P2 repositories

    POM-less Tycho builds

    Oomph: Eclipse the Way You Want It

    High productivity development with Eclipse and Java 8
    Docker Beginners Tutorial

    These will introduce the latest information on build management and development tools.

Of course there are a lot more talks at EclipseCon that are also of interest. Checkout the program. It is very interesting this year.

Modellbasierte Software-Architekturen mit UML und AUTOSAR
