The Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework is a toolkit to create graphical Java applications either integrated in Eclipse or standalone. The most common use of the framework is to develop diagram editors, like a simple Mindmap editor we will create in the GEF Mindmap Tutorial series. Currently, the tutorial consists of 6 parts and all together 19 steps. They are structured as follows:
You can register for the tutorial series using the link below. The article How to set up Eclipse tool development with OpenJDK, GEF, and OpenJFX describes the necessary steps to properly set up your development environment.
Your feedback regarding the Mindmap Tutorial (and the Eclipse GEF project in general) is highly appreciated. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know via the Eclipse GEF forum, or create an issue on Eclipse Bugzilla.
For further information, we recommend to take a look at the Eclipse GEF blog articles and watch the Eclipse GEF session on the EclipseCon Europe 2018.