itemis Blog

How to ease your Requirements Traceability – preview on new features of YAKINDU Traceability

Written by Boris Holzer | Aug 26, 2019

 Information:  YAKINDU Traceability Is Now itemis ANALYZE

Applying standard compliant traceability to your projects is quite a challenge. YAKINDU Traceability (now itemis ANALYZE) helps you to achieve and prove compliance. Furthermore, it provides benefits such as easy analysis and project overview capabilities.

We want to provide even more of these additional benefits in the form of YT Plus Features to our users – not only within the existing desktop application, but also utilizing a cloud-based approach.

The latest release of YAKINDU Traceability (now itemis ANALYZE) gives you the opportunity to get a preview on the first YT Plus features, namely:

  1. YT Project Summary
    If you want information about your project’s current status, the YT Project Summary provides a perfect overview for you. You can view your project's artifacts and links, coverage metrics, and also navigation to any work product within your project at a glance.

  2. YT Search
    You are searching a particular artifact - e.g. a requirement or a test case? The YT Search helps you to find it in a google-like manner. It is so easy to use because it searches all your tools/documents in one run!

The next image shows how you can activate this preview:

As we want to support our users most helpfully, we are really interested in your needs and wishes. We appreciate your feedback!

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