For nearly 8 years Xtext and itemis have been inextricably linked and regularly named in one sentence. We invested a lot to make Xtext what it is today -- a powerful and beloved framework, that helps to solve real-world problems.
What changes...
During the first quarter of 2016 three members of the Xtext team in Kiel will leave itemis to start their own business. We regret this decision and wish them all the best and success with this new venture.
Of course having three core developers of Xtext leave creates a gap and will lead to changes. However, the expertise with Xtext is spread widely within the company and nothing will change in terms of itemis ability to help our customers to successfully use Xtext and related technologies to address real-world problems.
...and what doesn't
Improving the state-of-the-art by driving and contributing to open source projects has always been a cornerstone of itemis' culture and business. This will not change: together with our customers, we will continue to develop Xtext as well as the other open source projects itemis is invested in.