Arne Deutsch works as an IT consultant at itemis in Bonn. He focuses on language engineering, Xtext and the development of tools for Eclipse.
What does "4 + 1" mean? Well, for example itemis employees have been developing a Java bytecode editor with Xtext. This editor allows the contents of .class files to be made visible and editable. In the first part of this article I explained how the JBC editor is ...
What might itemis staff do on their project-free 4 + 1 day? They continue their education, often by working on their own ideas; I would like to introduce just such a project today. The goal was to build familiarity with Xtext and Xtend. The result is a Java Byte ...
We have already shown on our blog how to generate a new project wizard with Xtext 2.14. Now it's also possible to create a comparable wizard, also based on templates, for creating DSL files in existing projects.
Anyone who implements DSLs with Eclipse Xtext benefits from the fact that the necessary infrastructure is generated automatically from the grammar. This gives you an environment in which everything is provided for developing your own DSL with minimum effort. A ...