Hendrik worked as an IT consultant at itemis AG in Bonn. He worked on projects utilizing Xtext to build integrated toolchains. He is interested in model driven software development, DSLs and software architecture.
Tina Toolsmith is one of those typical developers. She loves to code in the office, on the train, during a long flight or even while sitting on her sunny terrace during her vacation. Tina takes great pleasure in using the latest programming languages, frameworks, ...
Specifying the requirements of a software system and converting such a specification into executable source code is difficult and error-prone. Requirements specifications written in prose are often ambiguous and hard to understand for developers. Therefore, the ...
Over the last decade, open source frameworks for creating domain-specific language workbenches have improved significantly. Thereby, it has become easier to utilize model-driven software engineering based on domain-specific languages (DSL). However, many companies ...
Some people say graphical modeling is dead and textual modeling is the better maybe the only way. As an Xtext-enthusiast I would always argue that modeling should be done textually.
At this years Modelsward conference I had the opportunity to present a paper about "A Domain-specific Language for Configurable Traceability Analysis" that was written in close collaboration with Prof. Dr. Kuchen and Christoph Rieger from [ERCIS] of the University ...
Keywords play a central role in Xtext DSLs to define the languages general structure. In many cases a single keyword is sufficient to specify what is expected next. Although Xtext generally supports multiple consecutive keywords the default content assist ...